I won't call you my President. I voted for you, but you have gone out of your way to FAIL to represent me, so you aren't my President.
But, Mr. Obama, what I want to know is this: Why is it necessary to lie to me to get my vote?
If you had told me the truth, I might (*might*) have voted for you anyway. At least I could have chosen the lesser of two evils. But you didn't tell me the truth. You told me you were different. That THIS time my relationship with the Democratic Party would be different. You spoke against everything Clinton did to us with DOMA and DADT. You claimed that you would be a "fierce advocate" for glbt issues. Hello? You aren't "fierce", you're a fucking Chihuahua. All bark, no fucking bite.
Today, you upheld DOMA, after previously asking the Supreme Court to refuse the DADT case. You disappoint me, Mr. Obama. You, and those like you (can anyone say CLINTON?), make me want to leave this country and it's prejudice far behind me. I'm trying to decide if I should leave before or after my youngest finishes High School. Because I sure as hell ain't staying here.
Oh, and btw, sir, I receive Survivor Benefits for the 16-year date rape you call a heterosexual marriage - which, after all, is something I still have a right to engage in as a homosexual. Never mind the fact that all those years in the closet, and in an abusive marriage, scarred me permanently. Never mind the fact that had I been allowed to be a whole person and have a family as an honest queer, I would never have felt the need to go through that.
You've lost my respect Mr. Obama. You lied, something I cannot, and will not, forgive. I will work to my last breath to see you the hell out of Washington. You sicken me. Your integrity, and lack thereof, is self-evident. But then again, I may not stick around this pathetic excuse for a country long enough to do that. My youngest kid starts High School in less than 6 years. I hope to be the hell out of this country by then.
I'm disgusted, Barack. You lied. I have no respect for people who lie to me. Don't pretend to be my friend, then yank the rug out from under me for no good reason. I did nothing to you. But you, and your predecessors, have done plenty to me, my family, and our collective self-esteem. Shame on you, Obama. Shame on you.
We're all done here, Mr. Obama. We are all done.
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